New: Card-secured Computer Logon for Mag-stripe Cards

Oakland, CA, March 10, 2009

Clearly, mag-stripe cards are in wide use. For example, you can bet that all of your employees have multiple mag-stripe cards in their wallets - driver's licenses, credit cards, and bank cards. Are you surprised to hear that any of these cards could instantly be used to secure access to your organization's network - without affecting the data stored on the mag-stripe in any way?

If you have a mag-stripe card, you can now use it for card-secured computer logon with the new Sphinx Enterprise "server mode for mag-stripe cards". The Sphinx software works with virtually any standard type mag-stripe card out-of-the-box.

This newest Sphinx feature is most appealing for organizations who already use employee ID cards with mag-stripes - for example, for time and attendance or card-secured building access. Replica Watches But due to the low cost of mag-stripe cards, purchasing mag-stripe cards to specifically use them for computer access is also a good option. Or depending on the needs of your organization, allowing employees or clients to use their driver's licenses or credit cards for computer access is also a possibility.

Sphinx server mode for mag-stripe cards provides the whole range of Sphinx Enterprise functionality, including:

  • Card-secured logon to Windows, including "pull card" to lock, logoff, or shutdown computer.
  • Card-secured logon to websites and applications.
  • Automatic generation of strong passwords.
  • Storage of address and payment information for dragging and dropping into website or application fields.
  • An extensive feature palette of administrator management options and settings.
  • And much more.
Easy Setup

Adding Sphinx Enterprise functionality to a Windows network installation is easy. First, you install the Sphinx Logon Manager end-user software at end-user computers and the Sphinx CardMaker administrator software at the administrator/server computer. Then, end-users use their mag-stripe cards to self-enroll with Sphinx, entering their Windows logon data into Sphinx as part of the self-enrollment process.

After the next re-boot, Sphinx prompts for the card in order to execute logon. Sphinx requires no change to the current Windows setup and works seamlessly with Active Directory, including synchronization of Windows passwords changes.

Strong Security

With the new server mode for mag-stripe cards, Sphinx uses the mag-stripe card's serial number as the unique identifier while relying on a secure network server for secure storage. Access to logon data is protected by two-factor authentication (card presentation and PIN entry).

The secure protocols of the smart card industry, a hallmark of the Sphinx software, ensure that logon data is protected by multiple layers of strong encryption. You can be confident that even if someone on the network intercepts the data, they cannot read or unencrypt the data.

Management Options

Administrators can run the Sphinx software out-of-the-box, with the default settings. Or, administrators can easily change the default settings to best suit the security needs of their installation.

For example, using the Sphinx CardMaker software, administrators can set PIN/password policies, require regular password changes, manage logon entries for cardholders, monitor when a cardholder logged on and off, ban a lost card from the system, unlock a locked account after the wrong PIN was entered multiple times, and much more.

Sphinx Enterprise (includes Sphinx Logon Manager end-user software and Sphinx CardMaker administrator software), mag-stripe readers, and mag-stripe cards are available for purchase from all Sphinx software resellers.

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