Trends in authentication security

Oakland, CA, March 23, 2017

Here at Open Domain Sphinx Solutions we're sitting on the front line of authentication security and it's been interesting to see how our customer profile is quickly broadening.

Institutional and government customers have traditionally been enthusiastic adoptors of elevated logon security. This was in large party because of regulations, for example HIPAA and CJIS.

Lately however we've seen a new trend where more corporate, utility, and manufacturing concerns are getting on the two-factor authentication band wagon. Their reasons are multi-fold. Some have internal or customer audits, for which they must demonstrate elevated security procedures. Some are spooked by the many serious breaches that are regularly reported. What they have in common, they all have a lot to lose if they get hacked.

Electronic Payments International reported that this data breach risk is indeed creating an urgency which has become hard for any type of organization to ignore. They comment that "data breaches are not going anywhere" and that "many companies will focus on employing stronger and multi-layered authentication":

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