Sphinx Included in Breakthrough Business and Consumer Card Logon Package

San Francisco, California, June 26, 2006 A new specialty solutions company, founded expressly to develop, market, and sell complete packaged smart card solutions direct to small and medium sized businesses as well as consumers, has included the Sphinx Logon Manager software in their new card logon package. The streamlined package contains everything that a consumer needs to use a smart card for secure password storage and PC logon.

This new card solutions company is dedicated to empowering consumers to securely regain control over their digital identity. The company has launched an initial outreach campaign via radio, television, and print media, and their card logon package has already made a strong impression in the marketplace.

"The card logon package is getting a very positive response from both small business owners and consumers. They are excited that they now have an affordable and easy-to-use solution to protect their data that previously only governments and large corporations could afford," says the company's founder. "The card logon package can be used both at the office and home making it fully portable; and when the card is removed from the reader no personal logon information stays on the computer for co-workers, family members or hackers to find. This package provides that additional level of security to protect you against identity theft which anti-virus, firewalls, and blocker software cannot."

"Today's computer users are getting more and more sophisticated - you just have to look at the computer facility of ten year olds to prove this trend," adds Christine Wecker, Sphinx Product Manager.

"The typical multiple-logon, web-surfing consumer knows that for every new website we logon to, we should enter a unique, complex password - and that we're compromising our own security when we don't," says Ms. Wecker. "It's necessary to have a secure place to store our passwords, and most of us are actually smart enough to feel uncomfortable with programs that let you store your password information on a hard disk or USB device without card authentication. A smart card is actually a micro-computer - that acts like a personal safe or "armoured car" for your data - whose multiple built-in security mechanisms are there solely to keep your data and identity safe. Putting a streamlined card logon package into the hands of consumers is a real service, and we're proud to support this effort."

Due to confidentiality agreements, the identity of the new card solutions company cannot currently be disclosed.

About Open Domain Sphinx Solutions
Open Domain Sphinx Solutions, Inc. was established in 2004 to focus on the promotion, support, and further development of the Sphinx software. The Sphinx Logon Manager software enables card-secured computer access with a contact chip card or a contactless card and is in continuous use at a substantial installed base of government, financial, educational, and healthcare institutions world-wide.

Open Domain Sphinx Solutions grew out of Open Domain, Inc., a respected technical integrator and software developer for critical security processes, which was founded in 1996. In addition to the many organization that rely on the Sphinx software, the Open Domain companies' client and partner list includes Fortune Global top 100 technology and service companies. Open Domain is also broadly known as the software provider and integrator for the Health Passport Project, the largest health smart card project in the US, and the Administrator of the PC/SC Workgroup, a primary standards organization for the smart card industry. See also

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Open Domain Sphinx Solutions, (415) 398-2310,