IT Security Market Posts Gains and Sphinx Continues Strong in 2010

Oakland, CA, September 1, 2010

Because strong IT security remains a top focus for organizations of all sizes, the IT security market is posting gains in spite of the current slow economy.

When it comes to securing access to computers and networks, organizations continue to choose the two-factor authentication provided by the Sphinx software for a number of reasons. Sphinx customers named value for money, time-proven track record, and ease of use as their top reasons.

Many organizations are currently required by industry standards organizations to implement strong two-factor authentication. As concluded in a Homeland Security study, two-factor authentication can drastically reduce the incidence of identity theft and the accompanying risks it poses to computer and network data.

High ongoing fees from some IT security solutions named as prohibitive to purchase
In the IT security marketplace as organizations look to getting the best value for their dollar, customers are noticing that the trend with many companies is requiring an additional high ongoing fee simply to keep the solution running. This has been named by some customers as a definite barrier to purchase. Sphinx compares favorably in this area, as customers pay only a single license fee upon purchase.

PKI found by many to be more than they need
Another interesting item: many companies concluded in 2010 that implementing a PKI infrastructure was indeed overkill for their needs. Although PKI is a great solution for many organizations, the majority of companies find that a simpler two-factor authentication solution such as Sphinx meets their security needs just as well. In a poll of companies that had implemented PKI, the top reasons why they found PKI to be challenging were: costs too high, too complex, hard for end users, hard to maintain.

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